Do Corgis Shed? Are Corgis Hypoallergenic?

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Are Corgis hypoallergenic or do Corgis shed a lot? This is a question that many people ask themselves before they get their first Corgi.

Well, Corgis shed a lot more than you think! This post will help you decide whether you can hack all of the dog hair in your home, explain Corgi’s coat care needs, and how you can reduce the overall amount your Corgi sheds.

Let’s get started:

What does a hypoallergenic dog mean?

A hypoallergenic dog means you are less likely to develop an allergic reaction from them. However, being hypoallergenic doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed total safety. The hypoallergenic dog has very few or no allergy-producing substances known as allergens. 

If a person is allergic to dogs, he might be looking for hypoallergenic breeds. Remember that no dog breed is 100% hypoallergenic. Some hypoallergenic dog breeds can still trigger an allergic reaction in people with strong allergies.

The hypoallergenic dogs are generally low shedders. The typical trigger for a dog allergy is not fur or dog hair. The dog dander or flakes of dead skin are the allergens. 

All dogs secrete proteins that end up in their dander, saliva, and urine. The most common allergies from dogs are caused by the “Can fI and Can fII” proteins from dogs. 

The dog’s coat usually acts as a carrier for dander. If there’s the least amount of shedding, the allergy-causing dander is released in a very small amount. Dog dander is easily spread through the home and sticks to items like furniture, bedding, fabrics, and carpets.

Are Corgis Hypoallergenic?

Is there any such thing as a hypoallergenic corgi? 

Well, not really! Corgis are NOT considered hypoallergenic dogs

They have a double coat that sheds and can irritate allergies in humans that interact with them. Corgi is not considered an ideal fit for allergy sufferers. Both varieties of Corgis are notorious shedders.

There are two varieties of Corgis: the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. Both dwarf breeds have a water-resistant double coat. These athletic and lively little herders have a thick and weatherproof coat.

  • Pembroke Welsh Corgi: It has a double coat, with a thick undercoat and a longer overcoat. The length of the Pembroke coat varies on the body.
  • Cardigan Welsh Corgi: It has a double coat, with a short undercoat and a long, thick topcoat. The length of the Corgis coat varies on the body.
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Do Corgis shed a lot?

Shedding can be a major factor when choosing a dog breed. So, it’s important to understand what to expect when it comes to Corgi shedding facts.

If you are going to share your home with a lively and energetic Corgi, prepare to deal with dog hair on your clothes and in your home.

Corgis are notoriously high shedders. Corgis shed year-round with two heavy sheddings in a year when the Corgis blow their coat. Corgi puppies usually start shedding between 8 to 13 months. Their coat sheds daily and more in the shedding season.

It also depends upon the diet and the climate in which they live and how much fur they have. 

Do Corgis shed? Grooming tools for Corgis

Corgi owners should consider investing in good grooming tools. Arming yourself with the right grooming equipment will help you keep your Corgi coat neat and healthy.

When it comes to finding tools that can be used for grooming your Corgis, here is a list that can help:

  • Medium-size pin brush 
  • Slicker brush for use on Corgi puppies and areas of the body with shorter hair
  • Grooming rake for removing the shedding hair
  • Grooming scissors for tidying up the coat
  • Mat comb for removing the mat 
  • Dog Nail clippers
  • Dog toothbrush and toothpaste
  • Canine shampoo

Do Corgis shed? How to prevent allergies from Corgi

Allergic reactions from Corgis can range from mild sneezing to many harsh symptoms. Some symptoms of allergies are:

  • Coughing and wheezing
  • Runny, itchy, and stuffy nose
  • Itchy skin 
  • Itchy eyes 
  • Sneezing
  • Puffiness around the face

If you are allergic to Corgis, but still want to keep one, don’t worry! There are several ways to keep allergic reactions to a minimum when living with a Corgi.

You can take the following steps to manage your allergy symptoms.

  • Regular brushing

Maintain a regular brushing routine for your Corgi. Try to brush your Corgi outdoors to avoid excess hair in your home. You can wear a mask or ask a non-allergic member to do the brushing.

Regular brushing will also prevent mats and tangles in your Corgi’s fur. It spreads your dog’s natural oils throughout the coat and also helps promote healthy skin and coat.

  • Regular bath

Give your Corgi regular baths to remove dander from its coat. Regular bathing with pH-balanced shampoo can minimize dander levels on your Corgi. You can also use a mild canine conditioner to help keep your Corgi’s fur shiny and soft.

When your Corgi is going through the shedding season, you may consider bathing him more frequently. Bathing also helps cut down on the amount of loose hair flying around the house.

  • Offer a healthy and balanced diet to your Corgi

Corgis should be fed a healthy and balanced diet. Healthy and balanced food leads to better coat conditions. If you observe a dull coat and excessive shedding, try including fish oil and Omega 3 into your Corgi’s daily diet. 

  • Keep your bedroom pet-free

Your bedroom should be off-limits to your Corgi if you have a dog allergy. Don’t allow your dog to sit on your bed or furniture. Restrict Corgi to only a few rooms of the house.

  • Use vacuum in your house

If you or your family members are allergic to dogs, invest in an efficient vacuum. Use vacuum regularly in your house and keep your floor and carpets clean. It will remove the floating furballs and dander around the home.

Carpet is one of the biggest allergen collecting items in your house. If you are allergic to dogs, it is much better to remove carpeting from your house.

  • Consider an air purifier

You can use an efficient air purifier and maintain good ventilation in your home. This will help to reduce airborne dog allergens.

  • Keep your house clean

Dust and clean your house thoroughly and also your Corgi’s toys and bedding. Wash your Corgi’s bed, cushions, blankets, and washable play items and toys regularly to avoid dander build-up. Their crate and crate accessories should also be cleaned regularly. 

  • Consider allergy shots 

Allergy shots or allergy vaccines may help with moderate to severe allergies. They will help you develop antibodies so that you won’t get allergies when exposed to some allergens.

  • Take precautions or avoid direct contact with the dog

Avoid touching your eyes or any other part of your face after contact with dogs. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap after contact with your Corgi. Avoid close contact such as hugging or kissing your Corgi.

Also read: How long do Corgis live?

Remember that there’s no way to completely get rid of allergies. They can surface at any time and may decrease temporarily. With a few efforts and lifestyle changes, you can manage your allergies and live happily with your Corgi.

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Do Corgis shed

Why regular grooming is good for your Corgi

There are lots of benefits from regular grooming your Corgi. Let’s have a look at how grooming is good for your Corgi:

  • Grooming helps to improve your Corgi’s overall hygiene. 
  • Regular brushing and baths help in maintaining a shiny, tangle-free coat. It also helps to reduce shedding and hair flying around the house.
  • Grooming gives you the chance to check your Corgi for parasites, allergies, infections, or other skin problems. It can be a great bonding experience for you and your Corgi.
  • Regular brushing can stimulate blood flow to the Corgi’s skin. It will keep your Corgi’s hair follicles healthy.
  • Grooming your Corgi regularly helps you get to know how your Corgi’s skin. You can identify potential problems like bald spots or bumps at an early stage. 
  • Grooming keeps your Corgi in good shape. A well-groomed Corgi looks better, happier, and healthier.

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Can I Shave My Corgi?

Shaving a dog during hot weather has become a trend in recent years. It’s never recommended to shave a Corgi or any other dog. Your dog’s fur is his natural insulating layer.  

If you shave your Corgi, you are removing his natural protective and insulating layers. This can be damaging for your Corgi. Here are some good reasons why you shouldn’t shave your double-coated Corgi:

  • Your Corgi won’t be able to regulate his body temperature
  • His skin would be exposed to the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays
  • Shaving puts your Corgi at a higher risk for heatstroke.
  • Your Corgi may suffer sunburn.
  • Shaving can cause the hair to grow back improperly.
  • Shaving your double-coated Corgi may damage their hair follicles and lead to permanent bald patches on your dog.

Corgis have specific grooming needs. A better alternative to shaving your Corgi is to remove any excess undercoat by regular brushing.

What are the worst dogs for allergies? 

Let’s have a look at the worst dog breeds for allergy sufferers. They all have a negative track record with allergy sufferers.

  • Basset Hound
  • Doberman Pinscher
  • German Shepherds
  • Siberian Husky
  • Alaskan Malamute
  • Labrador Retriever
  • Pekingese
  • Pug
  • Saint Bernard
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Dachshund
  • The Great Pyrenees
  • Akita
  • Pomeranian
  • Boxer

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Do Corgis shed? Final Thoughts

A Corgi is more than just a pet. They shower their owners with happiness and unconditional love.

You are not alone to suffer allergies from Corgis. Thousands of Corgi lovers around the world are allergic to their dogs. However, this has not stopped many of them from finding a way to live with these wonderful furry companions. Taking a few steps to minimize exposure to dog dander and other allergens allows the chance to enjoy the unparalleled companionship of Corgi.

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Also read, Are Corgis aggressive?

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