How Long Do Corgis Live | Corgi Lifespan

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One of the hardest things to accept about our furry members is that they don’t live as long as humans. Corgis are no exception to this sad reality. Wondering how long do Corgis live?

Corgis have an average lifespan between 12 and 15 years. Not all Corgis will have the same lifespan, and different aspects can affect their longevity. This can vary according to a dog’s health, genetic makeup, and quality of life.

There are two types of Welsh Corgi: the Pembroke and the Cardigan. There are some physical differences between the two distinct Corgi breeds but mostly share the same temperament. Also read about Corgi temperament.

The Corgi lifespan is particularly long, especially when compared to the average longevity of many other dog breeds. One major factor that comes into play is the fact that smaller dog breeds also live longer than larger ones.

The average lifespan between the two Corgi breeds is almost the same. Cardigan Welsh Corgis averaged 12 years and 2 months of life, whereas Pembroke Welsh Corgis averaged 12 years and 3 months.

Can Corgis live 20 years?

Corgi’s life expectancy is around 12 to 15 years of age. However, with good care and a healthy diet, some Corgis have lived up to 20 years of age!

What is the longest a Corgi has lived?

The oldest known Corgi has lived up to 24 years. Many of them have carried on for 17 years. One of Queen Elizabeth’s Corgi lived to be 18.

World’s oldest dog: The greatest reliable age recorded for a dog is 29 years 5 months for an Australian cattle-dog named Bluey, owned by Les Hall of Rochester, Victoria, Australia. Bluey was put to sleep on 14 November 1939.

Is there a difference between male and female Corgi lifespan?

Male Corgis are slightly bigger than female Corgis. But this doesn’t have any impact on their lifespan. Corgi sex doesn’t affect their life expectancy.

What do most Corgis die from?

There are certain prominent causes of death among Corgis. In most cases, cancer and heart failure are the main causes of death in Corgi’s golden ages.  Both the Corgi breeds have similar main causes of death, notably cancer and old age.

According to a survey, a higher proportion of Pembroke Welsh Corgi did die of kidney failure or a urethral obstruction. These causes can be hereditary but many of them are due to their upbringing and lifestyle. 

How long do corgis live
How long do Corgis live

How long do Corgis live: Common health problems in Corgis

Corgis are generally healthy, but like all breeds, they’re prone to certain health conditions.

  • Hip dysplasia: Corgis can suffer from hindlimb lameness or hip dysplasia, an inherited cause of hindlimb lameness. The affected Corgis show pain and lameness on one or both rear legs.
  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA): It is an inherited eye disease affecting Corgis. Affected Corgis initially experience vision loss in dim light. PRA can eventually cause complete blindness due to bilateral degeneration of the retina of the eye.
  • Cataracts: It is an opacity on the lens of the eye that causes difficulty in seeing and blurry vision. Corgi’s eyes may look cloudy or bluish-grey.
  • Epilepsy: Epilepsy or seizure disorder is abnormal, uncontrolled bursts of electrical activity in your dog’s brain. A Corgi can fall to the side and make paddling motions with their legs.
  • Intervertebral Disk Disease: Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD) occurs when one or more disks of Corgis are ruptured. An IVDD infected spinal cord in Corgis can no longer support the weight load put on it. 
  • Von Willebrand’s Disease: It is a common hereditary blood clotting disorder in Corgis. Affected Corgis may experience excessive bleeding, even from minor cuts.
  • Allergies: Corgis are prone to a variety of allergies. These dogs may be allergic to pollens, dust, molds, certain foods, bedding, shampoos, etc.

Remember, the sooner you seek medical attention, the better the outcome will be for your Corgi. Treatment or medication may make big improvements in your Corgi’s overall health and life expectancy.

What are the physical signs of aging in Corgis?

Corgis show a variety of signs of aging besides a graying muzzle. Some of the hallmarks of aging in Corgis include 

  • Slowing down or difficulty getting around
  • Awful breath due to gum disease or tooth decay
  • Weight fluctuation
  • Cloudy eyes or difficulty seeing
  • Increased barking
  • Stiffness 

It’s important to note that physical signs of aging might look different in Corgis.

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How can I make my Corgi live longer?

The good news is there are plenty of things owners can do to make their Corgi’s golden years last just a little bit longer.

Thanks to advances in medical and veterinary science, the life expectancy of dogs is generally increasing. Consider the following tips that you can take to keep your Corgi healthy and happy.

Healthy food

If you want your Corgis to be healthy and full of energy, it is essential to feed them properly. Look for an ideal balance of vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats, and carbs. The diet should be based on your Corgi’s age, gender, and activity level. 

Vaccination and vet visits

Regular vet visits are essential for your Corgis. Keep up with your Corgi’s vaccines to protect them from diseases. 

Watch the weight

Corgis happen to be greedy little dogs who don’t know how to stop eating. These dogs can put on weight easily. Corgis should not put on weight as it can cause obesity and other obesity-related health issues.

Care for their back

A Corgi’s back is probably the most fragile part of their body. Make sure that your dog doesn’t need to walk stairs on a daily basis. Also, consider getting a ramp for your car, sofa, or any other elevated furniture.

Regular grooming and careful examination

Regular grooming and careful weekly examination are essential. Always keep an eye out for early signs to spot potential problems early. Make grooming and examination a positive experience for your Corgi, filled with praise and rewards.

Safe playtime

Corgis love to play and thrive on human companionship. This is an effective way to develop a strong bond with them.  

Training and socialization

Training and socialization are essential for the well-being of your Corgis. A well-trained and socialized Corgi does not get bored and remains stress-free. 

Choose the right breeder

Genetics play a huge role in the overall health and temperament of your dog. Always insist on seeing the health certificates of Corgi parents to ensure that they don’t carry any genetic diseases.

Verify all paperwork for Corgi. Ask the breeder to provide you with the vet records for the puppy.

What dog has the shortest lifespan?

Compared to a human lifespan, dogs’ lives are sadly short. Dogs live on average about 12 to 15 years, but all are not created equal. Each breed comes with different genetic makeup and some have shorter lifespans. Large dog breeds have shorter lifespans than their smaller counterparts. 

  • French Mastiff / Dogue de Bordeaux: 6-8 years
  • Great Dane: 7-8 years
  • Bernese Mountain: 7-10 years
  • Irish wolfhound: 6-8 years
  • Neapolitan Mastiff: 7-9 years
  • Newfoundland: 8-10 years
  • Rottweiler: 9-10 years
  • English Bulldog: 8-10 years
  • Saint Bernard: 8-10 years
  • Leon Berger: 7-9 years
  • Scottish Deerhound: 8-11 years
  • Bullmastiff: 7-9 years

This is not to discourage you from owning your fav breed, and the numbers given here are just averages.

Final thoughts on how long do Corgis live

By finding an ethical and reputable Corgi breeder, you will have a healthy Corgi puppy that has undergone health screenings. This helps to ensure that they will not inherit any genetic issues.

You can’t make your Corgi live forever, but you can help your dog live the healthiest life possible. A healthy Corgi can save you from a lot of stress and vet visits. All you need is to make some effort to support a healthy life for your dog.

Make the most of every precious moment with your beloved Corgi, spending quality time together and giving all the love and affection they deserve.

This post doesn’t constitute professional veterinarian advice. So, it’s a good idea to speak to your vet to learn more about the potential health problems of Corgis.

Also read Do Corgis shed?

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