Everyone loves watermelon, especially when it’s served cool on a warm summer day. You might want to know, can cats eat watermelon? Is it safe for them to eat?
The quick answer is YES, cats can eat watermelon. It is unlikely to cause problems for them in small doses.
In this blog, we’ll go over all the vital information you need to know about how watermelon fits into feline diets. So, read on!

Do cats enjoy watermelon?
Wondering, ‘why do cats love watermelon?’
The watermelon is a large, sweet fruit originally from southern Africa. It is packed with water and nutrients. Watermelon contains very few calories and is exceptionally refreshing.
The two reasons why cats love watermelon are:
- Watermelon tastes nice with an interesting texture and feel
- During hot days, cats are thirsty and it is a source of water.
- Maybe cats are attracted to it because they’ve seen you enjoying it.
If your kitty happens to love watermelon, be sure to only offer very small portions on rare occasions.
Is it safe for cats to eat watermelon?
Watermelon is generally considered safe for cats to eat but it isn’t a part of a complete and balanced diet for felines. However, there are a few precautions pet parents should take before serving this fruit to their feline companions at home.
As long as your cat maintains a balanced, nutritional diet, there is no need for them to eat watermelon. Feeding watermelon too often could possibly lead to adverse effects. Remember to consult your vet before adding any new food to your cat’s diet.
Can cats eat watermelon: Benefits of watermelon for cats
Watermelon consists mostly of water (91 percent) and carbs (7.5 percent). It is very low in calories and provides almost no protein or fat.

Here are the nutrients in 2/3 cup (100 grams) of raw, diced watermelon:
- Calories: 30
- Water: 91%
- Protein: 0.6 grams
- Carbs: 7.6 grams
- Sugar: 6.2 grams
- Fiber: 0.4 grams
- Fat: 0.2 grams
The juicy watermelon has several health benefits. Let’s have a look at some of the benefits of watermelon for cats:
- Watermelon is almost 92 percent water. It is a refreshing fruit that cats might enjoy eating and it keeps them hydrated. Keeping your cat hydrated can help prevent kidney problems and UTIs.
- Due to its high water content, this watermelon has a low-calorie density. So, it contains very few calories for its total weight.
- This delicious fruit is high in fiber, which is good for digestion. Fiber can aid in keeping your kitty’s digestive system running regularly.
- Watermelon is packed with vitamin A, C, B6, and B1.
- It also contains calcium and potassium.
- The combination of antioxidants, lycopene, and vitamin C in watermelon may help lower inflammation.
- Watermelon helps cats to keep their skin moist and maintain the water level in their body.
Cats don’t share the same nutrient requirements as we do. As obligate carnivores, cats rely on nutrients found only in animal products. Watermelon is quite high in carbohydrates but cats don’t have an essential need for dietary carbohydrates.
Can cats eat watermelon rind?
Cats should NEVER eat the green and white rind sections of watermelon as these can cause potential digestive issues as well as potential choking issues if consumed in large pieces. They can also lead to gastrointestinal impaction.
Can cats eat watermelon seeds?
Be sure to remove the watermelon seeds before sharing the fruit with your cat. Watermelon seeds may pose a choking hazard or cause digestive problems if too many are consumed.
Also read: can dogs eat watermelon?
Can cats eat watermelon ~ FAQs
Can cats drink watermelon juice?
Yes, cats can occasionally drink watermelon juice in small doses. The fruit is non-toxic for cats and it’s fine for them to have occasionally as a small treat.
Can kittens eat watermelon?
Yes, kittens can eat watermelon if they like it. There is no harm to give watermelon a little bit now and then. Too much might give them diarrhea.
Can Persian cats eat watermelon?
Yes, Persian cats can eat watermelon in small amounts. In fact, watermelon is a favorite treat for many Persian cats.
Can Bengal cats eat watermelon?
Watermelon is not poisonous to Bengal cats or any other cats. If fed in moderation, watermelon can be a safe, tasty snack for your Bengal cat.
Can diabetic cats eat watermelon?
If your cat has diabetes, it’s better to avoid watermelon. This is because simple sugars found in watermelon are easily digested and absorbed.
Can cats get diarrhea from watermelon?
Yes, cats can get gastrointestinal issues and diarrhea from watermelon if consumed in large amounts. However, watermelon is non-toxic and unlikely to cause problems as long as your cat only eats a small amount of it occasionally.

How to feed a cat watermelon
Here are some safe ways to feed your cat watermelon:
- Fresh watermelon chunks: Slice up the watermelon and remove the rinds and seeds.
- Frozen chunks: After removing the rinds and seeds, freeze the fruit in the freezer and take it out on a hot summer day. The treat will help cool down your kitty! Make sure your cat’s teeth are healthy enough to chew frozen food without being damaged.
- Watermelon puree: Puree the fresh fruit after seeds and rinds are removed, then freeze in an ice cube tray.
- Watermelon ice cream: Blend frozen watermelon chunks with plain, unsweetened yogurt.
If you’re feeling extra creative, you can mix watermelon with other safe and healthy foods. Be sure to remove the watermelon rind and seeds and cut up the watermelon into small bits. In this way, they are easy for your cat to swallow and digest.
What fruits are toxic to cats?
Cats don’t need to consume any fruit to maintain good health. Fruits generally contain sugars and carbohydrates that the feline digestive system has not evolved to handle.
- Citrus fruits: Citrus fruits including lemons, limes, oranges, clementines, and grapefruits contain citric acid and essential oils that can cause health problems in cats.
- Coconut flesh and coconut water: Coconut flesh and coconut water can cause digestive issues in cats. However, small amounts aren’t likely to cause serious harm. Coconut water is too high in potassium to be safe for cats.
- Grapes and raisins: Feeding your cats grapes and raisins can lead to kidney failure.
When introducing new foods to your cat, it’s recommended that you do so gradually. That way, if your cat kitty starts to experience adverse symptoms, you will know which food is responsible. Also read: can cats eat strawberries?
Final thoughts on can cats eat watermelon
So, watermelon is safe for cats to eat. It is a terrific treat, especially when it’s served cool on a hot summer day. It’s non-toxic to cats and unlikely to cause problems for them if given in small doses or on rare occasions. Too much watermelon can make your cat sick, plus it contains sugar which cats have no nutritional need for.
But, just because your kitty can eat watermelon as a treat might not mean she should. As watermelon isn’t a part of a balanced diet for cats, there’s no need to go out of your way to get your cat to eat watermelon.
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